The museums of Ragusa

Ragusa is a place with centuries of history, art, and culture; the best way to explore its past and origins is through our wonderful museums which are packed with wonderful artefacts that can help to pass on the city’s history to future generations.

Mu.De.Co. - Museum of Costume

A permanent museum dedicated to the history of Sicilian costume

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Museum of the City

Telling the story of Ragusa’s origins

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Civic Museum of Italy in Africa

Italy and its foreign conquests

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Ibleo archaeological museum

The extraordinary history of Ragusa

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Kamarina archaeological museum

A time of conquests and history

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Donnafugata’s museum and market

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Casa Appiano Museum

An unusual museum in the centre of Ragusa Ibla.

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Bottega Cinabro - The art of the cart drivers

Guardians of tradition

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The old market

A hive of creativity.

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Discover the treasures of Ragusa

 Travel through time, from the past to the present.

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