In an era like ours, crossed by changes that put it under pressure, with the increase in global crises and existential difficulties, the spiritual dimension of the human being emerges as a central theme. The need to reconnect with one's self, to know oneself less superficially, to rediscover a profound dialogue with one's humanity and with others emerges forcefully. Spirituality understood, then, as inner research, which ignores different cultures and religious confessions. As well as different social and economic statuses. In a world that seems to value only appearance, without emotions, centered on technology and finance and affected by globalization processes that express themselves in an anonymous and homogenizing culture, it becomes essential to rediscover the value of ethics, in order not to run the risk of losing the true meaning of life. That sense which, ultimately, is the search for the human. It is essential to acquire greater awareness of who we are and the direction we would like to go, to guarantee greater social cohesion and to adopt more sustainable behaviors also from an environmental point of view. Giving centrality back to man's inner identity, therefore, as an expression of a culture of listening and welcoming and a key element to counteract loneliness and existential emptiness.
Ragusa Foto Festival Oltre l' Apparenza
from 28 to 31 August 2025 / Ragusa Ibla / Culture & art exhibitions
Other events
exhibition opening from 10th to 28th February 10 - 01pm -04-08 pm
Mostra Fotografica " Senza Confini "di Franca Schininà
Ragusa CenterExhibition opening Saturday 8 February - 6.30 pm
Exhibition opening from 10 February to 28 February (closed on Sunday) 10.00-13.00 4.00pm-7.00pm
Palazzo Garofalo - Museum of the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista C/so Italia 87 Ragusa
15 February 2025 4.00pm-5.00pm Cultural Servizi Center, Via Diaz 56 Ragusa 2nd part: observations, 7.00pm-11.00pm C/da gilestra, Ragusa
L' Intelligenza artificiale e la scoperta di nuovi mondi
Campagna Iblea, Ragusa CenterNew frontiers in the search for extrasolar planets