Search-Find Museum, curated by Collettivo Ocra

August 23, 2024 / 19:00 / Marina di Ragusa / Families and children

Search-Find Museum, curated by Collettivo Ocra
Museo Cerca Trova 2
Museo Cerca Trova 3
Museo Cerca Trova 5
Museo Cerca Trova 6
Museo Cerca Trova 7
Museo Cerca Trova
Life skills, class building, problem solving, reality tasks, writing, English, Spanish, motor skills, public relations, mathematics, observation, reworking, price brokering, reading aloud, relations with the relevant offices, cataloguing, archiving, nomenclature, organization in the assembly, voting, museum guide and even a little "extortion"... but only for good causes useful to the community! 
This is what happens for the creation of a SEARCH-FIND MUSEUM, curated by the Ocher Collective!

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